The European Dressage Championship took place from 7 to 12 September, in the city of Hagen, Germany.

In the senior category, 3 Lusitanian horses competed for the Portuguese team. Equador ridden by Martim Menéres was the best Portuguese team scoring 69.581%, Sultão Menezes ridden by Carlos Pinto achieved a result of 69.518% and the stallion Beirão ridden by Duarte Nogueira finished his test with 68.634%.
The Portuguese team also included Filipe Canelas Pinto, who helped the team reach 208.524 points which resulted in a 10th place for Portugal in a total of 15 teams.

Besides the Lusitano horses that participated for the Portuguese team, there were also 2 more Lusitanos participating in this Dressage European Championship. Euclides Mor competed for Spain, ridden by Juan Jiménez Cobo obtaining the score of 69.410% and helping the Spanish team to achieve the 7th place. Another Lusitano in this European Championship was Esporim, ridden by the Irish rider Anna Merveldt who got a score of 68.338%.

In the Under 25 category the Portuguese team obtained 195.765 points resulting in an 11th place among 12 teams. The Lusitano horses Guhapo and Filosofo, ridden by Maria Lascasas and Mário Freire respectively. The Portuguese team also included Mariana Assis da Silva and Francisco Vila Nova. For the individual classification the Lusitano Guhapo with Maria Lascasas finished his Under 25 Grand Prix ride with the score of 61.385% and the Lusitano Filosofo with Mário Freire finished with 62.974%.

At the same time the CDI 3* took place with the participation of the Brazilian Olympic Team, João Victor Oliva and the Lusitano Escorial, as well as the rider Agusti Elias with Altaneiro.

On the first day of this competition, in the Grand Prix, Altaneiro and Agusti Elias obtained the result of 68.152% reaching the 13th position in a total of 29 combinations. João Oliva achieved a brilliant 5th place scoring 70.043% being thus ahead of great names of Dressage. In the Freestyle Grand Prix João Oliva, with the Lusitano stallion Escorial, obtained the result of 68.170% and the Spanish rider scored 72.725% reaching the 3rd position of the classification.

Photo: Martim Menéres with Equador