The APSL scheduled a Grading for male horses for January 23rd, at  Golegã.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and by indication of the DGS, the referred concentration was cancelled.


Evaluation of Lusitanos

The evaluation of Lusitanos and approval of animals for the Adults Book is part of the conservation and animal breeding program approved by the DGAV for the breed. These actions to validate/certify the animals, as is common knowledge, cannot be done otherwise than in person.

In order not to affect the breeders who wanted to have approved animals to breed them in this season, we called individually the owners of the animals inscribed for the 23rd of January, to whom we proposed to make individual inspections in different places.

We conducted these individual inspections with the knowledge of the DGAV and in accordance with the health rules in use.

We hereby communicate the grades given to the animals that participated.

Watch the films on APSL's canal Youtube da APSL.